The widespread poverty and unemployment in South Africa is fuelling drug and alcohol abuse.
Unemployment is a major factor that drives so many to abuse alcohol and so many other substances. South Africa faces the highest unemployment rate than any other middle income country, with almost four out of ten South Africans wanting to find work, but could not. Women and the youth are the hardest hit by unemployment. Seventy-three per cent of the unemployed are under 35-years-old. Twenty-five per cent of the population live on social grants.
Massive Inequalities
South Africa also faces massive inequalities. Another source of the economic challenges faced by the country was the state of the education system. Poverty, unemployment and a lack of recreational facilities leave young people feeling hopeless and worthless.
If the youth sees no prospect of ever getting a decent job or other economic opportunities and enough income to live a normal life, seeking oblivion through drugs and/or alcohol becomes a tempting escape route. The country has an army of six million people - mostly black, female and the young with no education and skills - who wanted to find jobs but could not.
This is what many call a ticking bomb. This is the crux of the problem and this is where most our energies should be deployed to fix all our social problems including the scourge of HIV and Aids, the crisis of rape of the old and young, and violence.
This campaign will be missing a point if we cannot see the strong interrelations between these challenges. We are talking here about the collapse of families that used to play such an important role as a support system of our communities. We are talking about the collapse of values.
Young children of eight and nine are drinking alcohol, with drug abuse generally beginning around the age of 13 or 14. And the legislation of things like marijuana only exacerbates our challenges.
But all is not without Hope
There are many initiatives in place to curb substance abuse in our country. And the Re-imagine initiative is one of them. Primarily operating from a township called Reiger Park Boksburg, East of Johannesburg; Re-imagine has for the last six years continuously been exploring and working towards ways to improve the quality of life and learning for youth growing up in our townships.
We believe when every young person has guidance and tools they need to thrive academically, socially and emotionally we help secure a brighter and healthier future for communities, thus increasing the chances for more youth to graduate from high school, to go to university, get good jobs and stay out of the justice system.
We encourage youth to say NO to negative influences and say YES to the future by arming them with tangible tools for gainful employment and success in adulthood.


We offer Youth Guidance Workforces in the following ways:
Career Awareness and Development
Job readiness training
Basic fundamentals of Entrepreneurship
Job placement assessment
High school graduation support
Post -graduate support
Substance Avoidance Counselling
Coaching and Mentoring
Youth Camps
Community Gardening initiatives
We envisage re-imagining every disadvantage community in our country, one way or another with branches already in Delft Cape Town and plans to expand to KZN.
It's time to close opportunity gaps for youth, especially from disadvantage communities and make sure all young people can imagine and fulfil a brighter future.
To realise our vision and to succeed in our goal of impacting 20 disadvantages communities in sustainable and positive ways through value adding projects and initiatives by 2020. Please consider to partner with us. Alone we can do so little, but together we can do so much. Be that person literally succeed best and quickest by helping others to succeed. We really don’t do this for the money, but we need money to back us.
We are registered as a Public Benefit Organisation Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa under Section 21 of Companies Act of 1973. Therefore, your donation is claimable as a tax deduction on your tax return.
PBO NO: 930057056
TAX NO: 9092549220
REG NO: 2014/106695/08
Accounts and Auditor:
Kettle Consulting
011 025 1446
From every Director and Management of the Re-Imagine Reiger Park initiative and all the communities we serve thank you.
Enabling youth to use their unique skills fully and positively
There's no use in waiting, change needs to be done optimistically now
Friendly, upwardly-mobile, clean, eco-conscious youth
Reclaim stolen dreams and impact the community positively.
Enable youth to move away from crime and reach their full potential
Developing skills, relentlessly pursue their God-given destination
The man behind it all - Brandon Isaacs

Brandon Isaacs is someone who doesn't like to be publicly highlighted, and he likes to shift the praise to others who have helped; however, as I have worked with Brandon on the marketing and communication side of things, I have noticed how much work, effort and passion he puts into changing his community and now how he is venturing nationally and changing this country.
He has been in situations of drug abuse, lack of education and crime in his youth. A supernatural miracle changed him and now he is out to change others and improve this nation.
Please help him to carry on making a difference and turning our country around into a place of love, joy, peace and prosperity.
To read more about Brandon Isaacs, click on the following link: