am Dreamer, and a firm beliver that your dream should be too big to contain. Your dream should unleash conversation around you.
Your dream must be big enough to consume you, or it will not move you. Declare your Dream Boldly to others. This destroys the option to fail. If you feel somewhat embarrassed by your dream..then review it..Your dream should be something that fuels the fire within you.
It has been said that those who have no expectations for their own lives move towards the expectations of others. It happened to King David, he announced boldly to King Saul, his brothers and the whole army of his intention to kill Goliath. He could not go back. He stacked a claim with his words
I really believe something remarkably happens in your life when you seize a dream bodly, confidently, and with abandonment. Obstacles move out of your way. Those who might oppose you feel embarrassed. They are reluctant to stand and confront you. When you announce your dream, doubters are forced to expose themselves or stand silent.
This agitates your enemies, they will reveal themselves and expose their strategies but help you prepare for battle. However, it is not necessary or even appropriate to announce every part of your plans. Some things require wisdom, discretion and confidentiality.
I believe when you Announce your Dream Bodly, You make it more difficult to fail.
As you read this reflect on the picture below and allow it to move you into ACTION in this coming week.